Leading experts in pharmacy, chemistry, medicine, economic botany, and plant science offer a once in a lifetime opportunity to learn about plant-based medicines and pharmaceuticals and see medicinal and useful plants growing in the wilds of DeWitt County, Texas.
Presenters include Scooter Cheatham, founder of Useful Wild Plants, Inc./ EarthFit and lead author of the Useful Wild Plants of Texas...; Joe Reuss, pharmacist and founder of the Pharmacy and Medical Museum of Texas; Dr. Wayne Adickes, chemist and vice chair of the Cuero Museum Board; and Dr. Lauren A. Langford, neuropathologist and medical historian. Archivist Jeremiah Ford of the Pharmacy and Medical Museum will conduct a tour of the museum’s singular collections. Scooter Cheatham will take the group into the field.
Plant Medicine 101 takes place Saturday, September 25, 2021. Cost is $85 per person. Limit 15 participants. Must be at least 18 years old to sign up.
Contact Lynn Marshall at berberis.swaseyi@gmail.com or 512.478.5243 for information on the class. Visit usefulwildplants.org to hear the new Texas Monthly podcast on UWP and pharmacyandmedicalmuseum.org for more on the museum.